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Chapter 6 Homework

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Scholars Online Astronomy - Chapter 6: Optics and Telescopes


Reading Preparation

Reading: Astronomy, Chapter 6: Optics and Telescopes

Study Notes: notes on your assigned reading from the text

Key Formulae to Know

  • Magnification of telescope M: M   =   F Objective F Eyepiece
  • Light Gathering Power P: P     D 2
  • Angular Resolution θ: θ   =   2.5     10 5   λ D

Web Lecture

Read the following weblecture before chat: Telescope Basics

Study Activity

UNL Tools Exercises

  • Interactives:
    • Open the Miscellaneous topics, and use the Telescope Properties question to learn to identify different kinds of telescopes.
  • ClassAction:
    • Use the Telescopes and Astronomical Instruments module te test your understanding of how telescopes, both land-based and space-borne, work.

Use the telescope simulator at Stelvision. Enter the diameter of the telescope for

  • binoculars: 60 (about 2.3" -- this is he smallest value allowed)
  • small telescope: 100mm (about 4")
  • large telescope: 203mm (about 8")

With each telescope, view the moon. Remember that the Moon is about 31 arcseconds. Use this information to estimate the field of view diameter.

Use the detailed simulator with your 203mm telescope setting and vary your eyepieces. How does magnification change?

Interactive Lens Study activity

Use the interactive exercise below to study the ways light bends when passing through lenses and prisms of different shapes.

Optional Websites: Compare the visible light view of the "Cigar galaxy" (M82) with the infrared view taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. What can you see in the white-light picture that isn't visible in the infrared? What can you see in the infrared that isn't visible in the white-light picture? How does our theory of light emission explain the difference? What do the differences tell you about the composition, shape, and temperatures of this galaxy?

Chat Preparation Activities

Chapter Quiz

Lab Work

Read through the lab for this week; bring questions to chat on any aspect of the lab, whether you intend not perform it or not. If you decide to perform the lab, be sure to submit your report by the posted due date.