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Chapter 17: 1-11

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Biology Homework Chapter 17: Eukaryotes Plants


Reading Preparation

Textbook assignment: Chapter 17: The Evolution of Plant and Fungal Diversity, sections 1-13.

Study Notes

Web Lecture

Read the following weblecture before chat: Plants and Plant Phyla

Take notes on any questions you have, and be prepared to discuss the lecture in chat.

Perform the study activity below:

To get a better sense of the sporophyte vs gametophyte life cycles of planes, Check out the Fern Life Cycle. Click on each section of the diagram for information about each phase in the plant's growth and development.

Chat Preparation Activities

Chapter Quiz

Lab Work

Read through the lab for this week; bring questions to chat on any aspect of the lab, whether you intend not perform it or not. If you decide to perform the lab, be sure to submit your report by the posted due date.