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Chemistry 21: 1-11

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Characteristics and Uses of the Main Group Elements

Chapter 21: All

Reading Preparation

Textbook assignment: Read Kotz and Triechel, Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Chapter 21: 1-11.

Study Notes

Read the following weblecture before chat: Main Group Elements and their Characteristics

Study Activity

Videos for Chapter 21: Principles of Chemical Reactivity: Main Group Elements

Review the Videos at Thinkwell Video Lessons.

    • Physical and Chemical Processes of Metals
      • The Alkali Metals
      • The Alkaline Earth Metals
      • Aluminum
  • Under "NONMETALS"
    • Group 15: Nitrogen and Phosphorus
      • Nitrogen
      • Phosphorus
    • Group 16: Oxygen and Sulfur
      • Oxygen
      • Sulfur
    • Group 17: The Halogens
      • Halogens
      • Aqueous Hallogen Compounts
    • Group 18: The Noble Gases
      • Properties of Noble Gases

Use the interactive Annenberg Learner Simulation to Control a Haber-Bosch Ammonia Plant to explore how chemists manufacture ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen for commercial purposes. How does varying temperature, pressure, or using a catalyst improve the yield, time to reach equilibrium, total output, and cost of the ammonia. Can you find an optimal solution where output is high and cost low?

Chat Preparation Activities

Chapter Quiz

(Aligns to) AP LAB #17 GUIDED INQUIRY — — Determine water impurities using gravimetric analysis — Phases IIU

Use the method of gravimetric analysis to determine the impurity levels in your five selected sources. Estimate your error and organize your data. If necessary, repeat tests and perform all necessary calculations to determine the level of impurities in your samples. File your formal report. Resources: