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This course introduces the elements of basic programming using the innovative SCRATCH programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. SCRATCH allows student developers to assemble code blocks rather than typing code text, forcing them to focus on developing conceptual programming skills that can be applied to any advanced programming language. Course materials are based on "Starting from Scratch", a textbook developed in Scotland to introduce programming concepts to high school students.
During this eight-week course we will
Prerequisite: No formal courses are required. Students should be comfortable with using a computer and mouse to select and move items, and possess a lively curiosity and sense of humor.
Meetings: The course meets once a week for 90 minutes. See the 2024 Schedule for topics.
Required Texts:
Students will need to download the LEARNER PDF for "Starting From Scratch" See the Text link for more details.
Required Software:
Only a current version of one of the standard browsers is required. Students will be able to complete and share their projects with their instructor and each other (and with the SCRATCH programming community) through the MIT SCRATCH project website by following the instructions to Join Scratch and create a personal account. No personal information is required to create an account.
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 summer session opens March 1, 2024. Please use the Scholars Online website to review tuition and fees for this course.
To attend pre-session orientation to the Scholars Online Chat and Moodle platforms, be sure to enroll by May 31, 2024.
© 2005 - 2024 This course is offered through Scholars Online, a non-profit organization supporting classical Christian education through online courses. Permission to copy course content (lessons and labs) for personal study is granted to students currently or formerly enrolled in the course through Scholars Online. Reproduction for any other purpose, without the express written consent of the author, is prohibited.