Bruce A. McMenomy, Ph.D. and Christe A. McMenomy, Ph.D. for Scholars Online
2019-20: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time
21: Wed, Nov 13, 2019
Please post in the forum for the day a short essay in response to this question:
Consider how the American and French revolutions influenced the movement for women’s rights. In particular, how do these two works reflect the changes revolutions brought to British and French perceptions of the role of women in society and the state?
Mary Wollstonescraft's A Vindication for Women's Rights. This is book length. The site contains audio readings of chapters, as well as PDFs. Focus on Chapters 1 and 2.
Olympe de Gouges' Declaration of the Rights of Woman. This is fairly short, so you should be able to read all of it.
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